
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a specific group of diseases or conditions that come from high-level disruption of the immune system. According to many scientists, the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is the infectious agent that causes AIDS. HIV kills the immune system by destroying T-cells in the blood. Treatments for HIV/AIDS are very [...]




There exist a lot of focus in the U.S. and around the globe on the possible wellbeing impacts of using cannabis. A large part of the research is fulfilling, although there are dangers and questions with regards to medical marijuana.   One promising area where there's consideration is on marijuana and glaucoma. Does [...]


Crohn’s Disease


Crohn’s disease sufferers face a lot of difficulties in daily life. They experience inflammation of the digestive tract, prompting detrimental symptoms like diarrhea, intense stomach pain, fatigue, and weight loss. Crohn's disease comes with long periods of relapse where the symptoms are high and periods of remission where the symptoms are low. Crohn’s disease [...]

Crohn’s Disease2021-01-15T09:05:01-05:00

Breast Cancer


Breast Cancer Breast cancer manifests in the breast causing health problems. With breast cancer, the person’s old cells don’t die off, and these old blood cells lead to malignant tumors. Breast cancer usually originates from the breast, and it can spread to other parts of the body if left undiscovered.   Breast cancer [...]

Breast Cancer2022-07-13T02:00:01-04:00

MS and Cannabis


Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, is a neurological disorder that influences our brain and the spinal cord. MS happens when the body’s immune system begins to attack its nerves instead of protecting it. This can prompt symptoms, including fatigue, visual impairment, muscle spasms, and coordination and cognition issues. Myelin is a fatty material responsible [...]

MS and Cannabis2020-12-30T12:17:31-05:00

Huntington’s Disease


Medical Marijuana and Huntington's Disease Medical marijuana has risen into popularity over the last couple of years due to its medicinal properties. Among the benefits of cannabis is its ability to help those suffering from Huntington's Disease and relieve the side effects of the Disease. Huntington's Disease is a hereditary illness that [...]

Huntington’s Disease2020-12-17T14:12:29-05:00

Marijuana and HIV


Marijuana and HIV: Can Medical Cannabis Help? Marijuana and HIV have been strongly linked since the start of the HIV epidemic. Nowadays, educating people about safety has reduced the occurrences of this disease. Also, modern drugs for HIV are more effective than past medications. Nonetheless, due to the increased access to medical cannabis, there is [...]

Marijuana and HIV2020-12-17T14:17:37-05:00

Hospice Care and Medical Marijuana


Hospice Care and Medical Marijuana Medical marijuana is a popular drug in the United States, partly due to its ability to help people in their later life stages. There is no doubt that medical marijuana can help with many conditions, but can it help people living in hospice? What is Hospice Care? [...]

Hospice Care and Medical Marijuana2020-12-04T12:39:53-05:00

Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana


Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana Chronic pain is a severe condition that affects millions of Americans. It disrupts our way of life and leads to a loss in productivity. Chronic pain can originate from several circumstances, and most people usually go for conventional treatments such as the highly addictive opioids, which are effective but [...]

Chronic Pain and Medical Marijuana2020-11-27T14:12:27-05:00

Spastic Movement Disorders


Spastic movement disorders and cannabis What makes the cannabis plant is its cannabinoids, which are essential compounds that interact with receptors in the central nervous system, resulting in significant biological effects and an improvement in disease symptoms in different types of movement disorders. Various scientific studies show how dyskinesia and spastic movement disorders [...]

Spastic Movement Disorders2020-12-17T14:11:40-05:00