HIV and Medical Marijuana

In as much as the side effects that have been brought about by the antiretroviral may end up impinging on one’s life quality, there have been studies that have been conducted indication that with the use of medical marijuana one may end up leading a very manageable life as it helps with the side effects of the drugs. Listed below are some of the benefits of medical marijuana with regard to HIV/AIDS
Medical Marijuana Stimulates Appetite
One of the side effects that is brought about by the antiretroviral drugs and the HIV/AIDS is the fact that individuals end up not having an appetite for anything given that one may end up having nausea and vomiting. This does not in any way encourage one to actually eat and this may end up making one lose body weight and decrease their immunity in the process. However, the use of medical marijuana is able to aid HIV/AIDS patients in managing some of these symptoms and also help with the improvement of one’s appetite. This then makes the medication work better and one is able to have a stronger body and stay clear of opportunistic diseases.
Medical Marijuana Helps in Alleviating Nausea
In addition, as the HIV infection progresses, nausea is normally one of the side effects that is normally associated with it. The causes of nausea may end up becoming increasingly complex. In accordance to research conducted, it was proven that for individuals who used medical marijuana, they had more tolerance for their antiretroviral therapies than non-users as it helps in supressing the nausea
Medical Marijuana Helps In Reducing Anxiety And Improves One’s Mood.
Nevertheless, when one is diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, there are various psychological, social and physiological pressures that one may end up getting that may result in one suffering from anxiety, depression and various mood disorders. However, with the assistance of medical marijuana given that one has a medical marijuana card that allows them to get a prescription, the patients may easily get cannabis to help with alleviating their mood. It was found that medical marijuana helps in improving a respondents’ moos and makes them have a “good feeling” that increases the feeling of euphoria and confidence in an individual.
Medical Marijuana Provides Chronic Pain Relief
Nonetheless, HIV/AIDS is known to bring about sever pain that arises in various arts which include the joints, nerves, and muscles. This may end up halting one’s life and may not be very pleasant. However, with medical marijuana, be it in edibles, in flowers or concentrated in one place such as a rolled up blunt of cannabis, pain in HIV/AIDS patients has been found to reduce drastically and help them lead an increased quality life. In addition, there is also a reduced sense of fatigue, depression, and anxiety in patients.

Medical Marijuana Helps in Decreasing Peripheral Neuropathic Pain
By definition, peripheral neuropathic pain is a chromic and complex condition that is as a result of damage to the motor, sensory and automatic nerves. For patients suffering from the HIV virus, they may end up developing the condition due to the virus itself, vitamin deficiency, various drugs used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS or as a result of an opportunistic disease.
However, with cannabis, it has been found that the pain may be reduced and helps one have an even better sleep. Nevertheless, cannabis may also be used in managing pain neuropathy and other acute and chronic pain conditions as and cancer.
In conclusion, medical marijuana has been able to prove more than once its use in various areas with regard to HIV/AIDS as it helps the symptoms become more manageable. However, one is normally advised to see a physician prior to using cannabis as an alternative medicine. One may get a medical marijuana card from a physician in Maryland and get to enjoy the many benefits it has to offer.
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I called their clinic as soon as I got my patient id #. Booking the appointment is quick and easy. I like that they ask me questions and make sure my condition is qualified and i have all the required paperworks before sending me to their clinic. Consultation took about 20 mins then i got my medical marijuana approval the same day.
Called their medical cannabis clinic to see if my condition can be approved. The lady on the phone was very helpful and asked me several questions to make sure I can be certified and I met all requirements before I come for an actual appointment. I don’t regret choosing them to help me. I’ll see them after a year for my renewal.
They gave me a compassionate discount on my appointment. Waiting for my ID # from the commission took days but this clinic is patient with me and assisted me until I was completely certified.
I made some research about medical marijuana and found it really effective for patients where the traditional method of treatment did not work. It helps a lot in pain management with very little side effects compared to those pain meds
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