Breast Cancer
Breast cancer manifests in the breast causing health problems. With breast cancer, the person’s old cells don’t die off, and these old blood cells lead to malignant tumors. Breast cancer usually originates from the breast, and it can spread to other parts of the body if left undiscovered.
Breast cancer usually begins in the ducts used that holds milk, affecting the glands that produce milk. Cancers usually affect the part that produces milk in the breast and it’s rare to find cancer in other parts of the breast, but they do happen.
Breast cancer usually originates in a person’s body and is not inherited. When the DNA is healthy cells mutate, they become cancerous.
Medical Cannabis for Breast Cancer
Medical marijuana can reduce cancer cells as well as relieve the symptoms of cancer. Medical marijuana is also not a cure for cancer, but it can help to reduce the side effects without the negative feelings that come with conventional cancer medications.
Several reports suggest that the non-psychoactive cannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) can stop breast cancer from spreading to other body parts. Scientists used a laboratory cannabinoid similar to CBD on breast cancer cells. It was discovered that compounds that target different cannabinoid receptors in breast cancer cells could prevent them from spreading.
The National Cancer Institute hasn’t recommended cannabis for cancer, stating that there isn’t sufficient evidence to back up cannabis as a cancer treatment. Nonetheless, the National Cancer Institute is still gathering studies and reports on the subject. Preclinical trials also link cannabis to killing cancer cells without touching healthy cells. One study shows how marijuana enhances chemotherapy, making it easier for patients to consume minimal doses.
Breast Cancer and Medical Marijuana Research
Cannabinoids are highly effective as an antitumor agent. Antitumor agents can destroy cancer cells, preventing them from spreading. Researchers studied the impacts of several cannabinoids on breast cancer cells, especially cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG), and cannabichromene (CBC). The aim was to get the most out of these lesser-known cannabis compounds.
Results showed that CBD and CBD extract prevented cancer cell growth. They also discovered that the CB2 receptor played an important role in their antitumor properties.
Another study focused on endocannabinoids, discovered that the cannabinoids our bodies make also play a role in stopping the growth of breast cancer cells. The study analyzed anandamide; an endocannabinoid responsible for activating the CB1 receptor. When it was applied to isolated breast cancer cells, the cancer cells experience a slow growth rate. Other endocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoids have also shown similar results.
According to the study, these cannabinoids interacted with the CB1 receptor to reduce the growth of tumors. They also added a substance that blocks the CB1 receptors to see what will happen and it was discovered that the effects of the cannabinoids stopped. Antibodies that significantly affect breast milk reduction also played a role in cancer cells.